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Across all five studies, the group with more samples has a significantly lower H score than the group with fewer samples. We show that the mean H score of a group is not associated with the disease status, but is associated with the sample size.

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In this paper, we present a meta-analysis of five whole-exome studies to examine the association of H scores with Alzheimer's disease. However, these studies often report contradictory results. As high-throughput sequencing and genotyping data become readily available, it has been applied to investigating the associations of genome-wide genetic diversity with human diseases and traits. We conclude by noting how central and evolutionarily important physical cues are even in contemporary sexual selection, and how the importance of physical cues of partner quality manifests in evolutionarily novel inventions such as physical self-enhancements, social media, and online dating.Įxcess of heterozygosity (H) is a widely used measure of genetic diversity of a population. We further discuss sex differences in the kinds of physical cues that men and women rely on in mate choice. In this chapter, we discuss the evidence for the existence of these facial, bodily, and non-bodily cues, and for their role in communicating aspects of partner quality, including health, fertility, developmental stability, genetic quality, and potential for parental investment. There is evidence for such valid cues in human faces, bodies, and in non-bodily traits, which include adornments and items that signal provisioning ability, creativity, artistic skills, or conspicuous consumption. According to this theory, humans and animals display cues that reflect their mate quality and are perceived as attractive by potential mates.

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The dominant evolutionary theory of sexual attraction posits that attraction serves as a psychological mechanism for identifying healthy, fertile, and appropriate mates. Teško je razlučiti što je učinak genomske heterozigotnosti, a što je učinak nekog točno odreĎenog lokusa te je time dodatno oteţano razumijevanje fenomena korelacije heterozigotnosti i fitnesa(17). No, korelacija heterozigotnosti i fitnesa obično se odnosi na standardiziranu multilokusnu heterozigotnost organizma, a ne heterozigotnost pojedinih lokusa i njihov učinak -iako se moţe očekivati da će heterozigotnost podskupa lokusa donekle odraţavati ukupnu heterozigotnost organizma. Kada se radi o zaraznim bolestima jedno moguće objašnjenje je na primjer da heterozigotnost u MHC lokusu moţe biti vaţna za funkcioniranje imunološkog sustava jer su MHC aleli ekspresionirani kodominantno, što znači da će MHC heterozigoti moći detektirati više različitih patogena (30). Stoga je u našem istraţivanju bilo moguće kvantificirati okolišni stresor, pa smatramo da se naše istraţivanje korelacije heterozigotnosti i fitnesa temelji na izravnoj i bolje opisanoj povezanosti stresora i fenotipa negoli istraţivanje Campbella i suradnika i Govindaraju i suradnika (23, 73).Ovaj rad takoĎer potvrĎuje da je moguće dizajnirati istraţivanje koje omogućuje mjerenje okolišnog stresa.PonuĎeno je nekoliko mehanizama koji bi mogli objasniti korelaciju heterozigotnosti i fitnesa, no konsenzus još uvijek ne postoji, te zapravo ne razumijemo mehanizam kojim heterozigotnost povećava fitnes organizama(17,30). Thus, the current findings suggest that nonMHC diversity may play a role in both natural and sexual selection acting on human populations. NonMHC-d(2) has previously been found to predict male preferences for female faces. In contrast, there were no associations between MHC or nonMHC heterozygosity and health. Individuals with greater allelic diversity (d(2)) at nonMHC loci and at one MHC locus, linked to HLA-DRB1, reported fewer symptoms over a four-month period than individuals with lower d(2). We investigated whether genetic diversity (heterozygosity and standardized mean d(2)) at MHC and nonMHC microsatellite loci, predicted health in 153 individuals. Here we asked whether these preferences are adaptive in terms of obtaining healthier mates. Recently, genetic diversity has been associated with mate preferences in humans. Genetic diversity, especially at genes important for immune functioning within the Major Histocompatibility Complex (MHC), has been associated with fitness-related traits, including disease resistance, in many species.

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